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Λεπτομέρειες Κάρτας
Μπροστινό μήνυμα: To a special teacher..
As students, many teachers and educators will pass through our lives without remembrance.
Yet, a special few will leave a
lasting impression.
Thank you for being one of the special educators who will live on forever in the minds and hearts of the
students whose lives you have touched.
Thank you so much!
Μήνυμα μέσα στην κάρτα: I may not have always shown it, but I’m grateful to have had such an awesome teacher like you. Thank you for all the wisdom you shared and setting a great example!
16.5CM ύψος X 12CM πλάτος
Τιμή για πακέτο των 6 τεμαχίων
Κάθε ευχετήρια κάρτα είναι συσκευασμένη με χρωματιστό φάκελο και προστατευτικό διαφανές κάλυμμα.